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Anne Beghin

Senior Research Fellow

Anne Beghin is a multidisciplinary PhD scientist with fifteen years of extensive research experience in industry, microscopy platforms and academia. She obtained her PhD in cancerology in 2007, at the University Claude Bernard in Lyon (France). She then moved to optical microscopy by integrating, as team leader, the microcopy platform of Université de Lyon, where she developed image analysis services and live microscopy for 4 years. In 2011, she was recruited by a biotechnology company based in Bordeaux during 3 years where she was in charge of a tissue analysis service: from biologic samples (whole tissue sections and Tissue Micro Arrays) to image acquisition and analysis with database establishment. She has been part of the Interdisciplinary Institut of NeuroScience IINS for 3 years where she successfully developed the challenging project leading to a new platform linking the High Content Screening (HCS) approach with super resolution microscopy such as Single Molecule Light Microscopy (HCS-SMLM). This platform has been used in collaboration with pharmaceutical companies such as Sanofi. She now moved at MechanoBiology Institut MBI in Singapore to develop another challenging project linking Organoids technology, advanced imaging and HCS. This work has already resulted in a patent and publications are on-going. She is author of one patent and twelve publications in which key words were advanced microscopy, image analysis and High Content Screening

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